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Anonymous | June 17, 2009 - 15:23

I go throug your  tutorial and i have got every things work with me even the client tutorial.
I have added some class variable like "private String status " , and some methods in the web service java class , which are
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status= status;
public String getStatus(){
return "the status is" + name 
Then when i generate the web service stub class  i tried to set the status value first and then call getStatus method after, However i get always null value for the status variable can you help me to understand where is the problem .
this is the code of my client main class:
MyServiceStub myServiceStub = new MyServiceStub();
            SetStatus setStatus = new SetStatus();  // generated by stub class
            GetStatusResponse response=myServiceStub.getStatus();
            System.out.println("status: "+response.get_return());
Salwa alzhmi


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