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Anonymous | June 8, 2009 - 16:52

I just tried to follow the WS client you suggested by the end of your article, but right after generation the classes pointed at the tutorial are not present.
I tried many combinations for client generation level, but none have generated those classes at the tutorial, such as; XXXHttpportCallbackHandler, XXXHttpportStub, XXSOAP11Port_httCallbackHandler, XXXSOAP11Port_httCallbackStub, XXXSOAP12Port_httCallbackHandler and XXXSOAP12Port_httCallbackStub. Instead, I've got only XXXCallbackHandler and XXXStub.
I could not adapt the Converter client example based on what there is inside those classes.
perhaps I'm just doing something wrong. I followed your tutorial to create the web service and everything worked ok.
Can you fix the tutorial you linked or just tell me what to do in order to adapt the client to work with those 2 classes XXXCallbackHandler and XXXStub?
Sorry for this noob question and thanks in advance for your answer.


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