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Deploy nginx-jetty-mysql with docker compose

In this post I'm sharing with you a short project for deploying both static content and a backend application with nginx as a reverse proxy using https to serve:

  • a web front end (e.g. static html/js pages)
  • a backend application hostd in jetty web server (for example it servers a restful API)

Nginx as a reverse proxy helps to have a single point of https access for serving both the web and the API.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on November 8, 2017 - 11:55.

Using Vagrant with Eclipse on Developing/Testing/Building applications targeting different OSs

If you are a developing applications on your favorite OS and toolchain targeting other OS then virtualization is your friend. Vagrant (  is a free and open-source software for creating and configuring virtual development environments. What is particularly useful with Vagrant is that you describe your environment in a Ruby like text file , together with some orchestration commands which you can maintain together with your source code in our SCM tool.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on August 9, 2014 - 16:44.

OpenFlow: Port forwarding and modifying the network source and destination

OpenFlow allows the path of network packets through the network of switches to be determined by software running on multiple routers This separation of the control from the forwarding allows for more sophisticated traffic management. Its inventors consider OpenFlow an enabler of software-defined networking (SDN). More on OpenFlow at

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on February 28, 2013 - 11:27.

Tutorial 1: Creating Web Services in Eclipse (Bottom Up) [Indigo]

The purpose of these series Tutorial (updated with eclipse Indigo) is to introduce tools needed, setup and initial guidelines for Service Oriented Applications. Since there are many tutorials out there, this text will provide urls that point to each step and fill any gap between them. Web Services, Service Orchestration, Enterprise Service Buses and Business Rules Engine will be explored during these tutorials.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on June 28, 2011 - 10:27.

Tutorial 1: Creating Web Services in Eclipse (Bottom Up) [Helios]

(Please check also the NEW update Tutorial with Eclipse Indigo here) The purpose of these series Tutorial (updated with eclipse Helios) is to introduce tools needed, setup and initial guidelines for Service Oriented Applications.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on October 13, 2010 - 11:04.

A java example wrapper for creating AMIs in the Amazon EC2

Here is a sample code for creating an AMI from java code, using the Amazon's EC2 aws-java-sdk. I didn't manage to find a good "hello world" example for java, so I post my attempt here. I hope that you can kick-start working on the cloud.
First, you create an instance of the wrapper. Then, you can use it for example like:  createAMInstances(amiId, 1, 3, "mykey", "m1.small", "us-east-1a");

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on June 15, 2010 - 23:49.

Textual DSLs Tutorial: Xtext, existing ecore models and persistent objects with Hibernate

In this short post, I would like to show you how easy it is to integrate persistent objects with Xtext (my favorite toy the last few months). For this experiment I used Eclipse Helios milestone build (and relevant updates of emf, teneo, hibernate) and xtext build 0.8.0M3. I also have used mySQL for the storage.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on November 24, 2009 - 02:58.

Tutorial 2: Orchestrating Web Services and Eclipse - Part 1

Orchestration and choreography in computing, are architecture frameworks which coordinate messaging/data exchange and define workflow between services and their consumers. In a nutshell, if you have a bunch of web services, you define a workflow (with orchestration) where services will follow in order to accomplish a certain requirement. These concepts are major contribution to reusability in service oriented software.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on November 13, 2009 - 15:14.


For those of you that you own the CRYPTO DVB-T HYBRID DIVA FM TV tuner, you will notice that for Windows 7 the drivers and the Cyberlink PowerCinema 5 don't work. Crypto's support doesn't exist. So, make a search for the driver [STK7700D] that appears on devices as Unknown Device

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on November 9, 2009 - 13:05.

Panlab announces first working versions of software and helps the European Future Internet vision to become true

As of September 2009, the FP7 project PII announced the first working version of Teagle. The page gathers information now to allow existing and upcoming projects to make use of the PII offerings. It explains in detail how costumer projects can build upon infrastructure and services provided by Panlab.

Posted in Submitted by tranoris on November 5, 2009 - 17:55.